I often get the question “When did you get into hair??” and I never have a great answer… “When I was born, I guess…?” I’ll sometimes reply.

Growing up with my family in Chicago + scattered throughout the U.S., I have vivid memories early on in my life playing with my mom, sister, aunts, and cousins’ hair while we were on trips - in the car, sitting on the floor of my grandparents’ house, you name it.

When my older sister and her friends all reached middle/high school and started going to school dances, I became “The Hair Girl”, working out of me and my sister’s Jack-and-Jill bathroom in the upstairs of our childhood home. I’m pretty sure my highest priced service was $10.

When I reached the 8th grade, I locked in my very first wedding and the rest is history…

I spent the majority of high school working in a hair salon under Master Colorists and Stylists - where I learned more than I could’ve dreamed of at 16-17 years old. I decided then that I would dedicate my craft to styling specifically and opted to go to a 4-year college instead of Cosmetology School.

Having a bachelor’s degree in Business and building my own brand/ business over the past several years, I am SO excited to share with you the exciting next chapter of STYLED x PAIGE.



P.S. Though I’m currently based in the South, there are no limits to where I’ll travel for hair services… LET’S GO ON AN ADVENTURE! I promise to bring all the dry shampoo and energy <3